GIC1 All set and ready!

Well, okey. ”Ready” might be a stretch.

But we’ve got some food at least (thank you Jarmo!), we took a walk to the club so we’ll find our way tomorrow, and we finally got a bed for Dima (sleeping on the floor seemed to be an option there for a while).

Now everyone’s tucked in and it’s not even 10.30 pm. I don’t know if they all usually go to bed this early, or if it is the nerves playing around a little. One thing’s for sure – I’m looking forward to tomorrow, but yikes I’m tensed!

I’m surrounded by six crazy people (the seventh guy is in a single room right above us) – sorry, crazy FUN people, I meant. I’ve only met one of them before, but already it feels a huge family. And tomorrow we’ll meet the rest. That’s the beauty of Krav Maga. You’ll get to meet and train with so many great people. There’s no competition, no pride, we all want to learn more and help each other out.

This is gonna be great!

Time to hit the hay!







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