GIC1 Day 8: Can you handle that stick?

Wow – eight days. Only one more day to go.

We’ve been out to dinner plus packing tonight so it’s pretty late – so this will be a short, short post!

Today we practiced defenses against different stick attacks – and we also did some two on one fighting. Of course my group had four people. So it was three on one. Jeesh, I really need to get more experience in this.. I tire very easily, and when I do I loose my guard, my techniques fail and I have a tendency of kicking a bit too hard.

Sorry Dima.

This evening we went to dinner with the entire group – Tasty Thai! It’ll be weird not going to GIC2 together with the rest of the group. But Dima and I will be going to Scotland for part two in October, so we can keep kicking each other!









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