GIC1 Day 1: First day and I’m still alive!

There was a nervous gang who walked to Oslo Fighting Center this morning. Well, the guys all claimed they weren’t nervous, but the silenced kind of spoke for itself.



When we met some other participants the silence broke and the chatting began. We’re 20 participants – from Sweden, Norway and Denmark. We swedes make up almost half the group (eight people) and Ingela and I are the only women. Or should I say girls? Hell no, we’re the bitches, as Markus would say. And yes Marcus, it’s still Queen Bitch.



I was pretty nervous, I’d give you that. And when I get nervous my stomach gets.. let’s call it ”bubbly”.. Since I didn’t want to miss out on anything, I spent the entire morning holding it..

We’ve covered some stuff on warm ups today, and straight punches. Whoa, there’s a whole lot of things to think about when executing a straight punch. For one, you should punch straight..










Tonight we’ve all been busy preparing our own 15 minute warm up.

Each and everyone is going to give a warm up sometime during the course, and since we’re 20 people it’s gonna be a few warm ups every day. And there’s no schedule, I don’t know if I’ll do my warm up tomorrow or on Wednesday or the last day. We just need to be ready.

And when I say 15 minutes, I mean 15 minutes. Not 14 minutes and 30 seconds. Not 15 minutes and 10 seconds. It’s 15 minutes sharp.

Giving a warm up with all the parts it should consist of it’s no problem – if I can just come up with something to finish with, it’s supposed to be kind of a fun game.. I’ve got nothing.. besides ordering everyone to pull Markus’ pants down.. – it’s dividing the time…

But yeah, like the retired people like to say

There’s a day tomorrow too..

So, the warm up is Future Emma’s problem – most is done anyway, I’ll come up with some fun game while I’m dreaming (hmmm, shaving Nima’s beard off perhaps?) – see y’all freaks tomorrow!

2 kommentarer till GIC1 Day 1: First day and I’m still alive!

  1. Geir 16 augusti, 2015 at 11:00 #

    When I send students to the GIC (or Self defense Instructor course as we used to call it) I allways give them a tip about the warm-up. We know from science that it is easier for us humans to remember information if it is summed up in short terms. So I will telll my students to remember COS-PG for the warm up. Cardio, Oiling joints, streching, power and games. This is a summary of the warm-up.

    So when you plan the warmp-up you write theese letters and put aproximetly minutes behind them. For example like this (the exact time could vary)

    C 4 min
    O 2 min
    S 3 min
    P 3 min
    G 3 min

    In this way a lot of people will find it easier to structure the teaching plan, include everything – and get the time right. Maybe and hopefully this was helpful :)

    Best regards,


    • Emma Dalman 16 augusti, 2015 at 19:01 #

      Thanx Geir! Taking notes as I type!! ;)
      // Emma

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