Författararkiv | Emma Dalman


Nu är dokumentären om Klassikern klar!

”Tillbaka till livet” blev titeln. Mycket passande kände jag! Omslaget är gjort av Lisa Orvang, som även har designat denna hemsida, alla illustrationer, loggan med mera.

Det känns ganska galet att det finns en dokumentär – om mig..

Hade någon för fyra år sedan sagt till mig att jag, innan jag fyller 30, kommer ha åkt skidor i tolv och en halv timme i sträck, cyklat runt Vättern, simmat, sprungit, varit med i TV4 Nyhetsmorgon inte mindre än fem gånger, gjort så många radiointervjuer att jag inte minns dem alla, varit på omslaget av DN, bytt hjärta (!), suttit i TV-soffa med en minister, dinerat vid samma bort som en prins, föreläst för flera hundratals människor, bytt jobb, bemannat ett dubbelsiffrigt antal Blodomlopp, blivit tjenis med Micke Syd, flyttat, fått simmaren Anders Olssons mobilnummer, spelat in en bioreklam – och mycket mer.. – och till råga på allt få en HELT EGEN DOKUMENTÄR! – ja, då skulle jag undrat vad den här personen hade rökt på för nåt..

Det låter ju alldeles otroligt.

Och ikväll hade dokumentären premiär. I Folkets Hus i Grums, min födelseort. Närvarade gjorde inte bara Birger, min dokumentärfilmare (och extramorfar), utan även landshövdingen Kenneth Johansson, tillika ordförande i Donationsrådet, och på plats var även min hjärtläkare Aydin Toksöz, som upptäckte min hjärtsvikt och som såg till att jag kom till Sahlgrenska för undersökning och utredning för transplantation.

Biosalen fylldes av mängder med människor, varav jag kände många (born and raised) men där fanns också nya ansikten. Efter att filmen visats – det här med att se sig själv på så stor duk alltså.. – så gick jag, Birger, Kenneth och Aydin upp på scenen och besvarade frågor från publiken och diskuterade organdonation.

En väldigt lyckad kväll är till ända! Nu får vi se om vi kan få till några fler visningar!


Biosalongen håller på att fyllas..



Birger, Kenneth, jag och Aydin.



Jag är väldigt mycket för firande – kan man fira så ska man!

Varför begränsa sig till födelsedagar och julafton?

Har man fått nytt jobb? Fira!
Klarat skolan? Fira!
Tagit bort ett oregelbundet födelsemärke? Fira!
Inga hål hos tandläkaren? Fira!

Ja, ni catch my drift..

Så därför var det ju självklart att jag skulle ha en Klassikerfest!! Vilken gick av stapeln igår!!

Alla som hjälpt mig, stöttat, mina vänner, min familj – alla var inbjudna, och vi var nog totalt 30-35 pers som firade med skumpa, småplock, snittar och stora leenden i min lilla lya på 53 kvm. Det är det jag gillar med fester (mina egna i synnerhet), eftersom jag känner så många så vill jag ju bjuda alla och då blir det en underbart härlig mix av personer som aldrig skulle träffats annars. Det blir intressant, spännande och – hittills – mycket lyckat!

Stort tack till alla som gjorde kvällen till det den var – jätterolig, jättehärlig och jätterörande – att så många vill komma och fira med mig, det värmer mitt ny-gamla hjärta.




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Kvällen avslutades med en gastronomisk upplevelse på Chaplin – restaurangen som ligger en gata upp från mig och som jag under tre års tid har sagt att jag vill gå till. Igår intog jag och mina föräldrar en helt wonderbar middag – vi valde alla tre olika rätter, men fick alla den bästa maten vi ätit på länge. Jag tror vi sa ordet ”Himmelskt” totalt 50 gånger.

Så en himmelskt trevlig kväll avslutades med himmelskt god mat.

Nu väntar vi bara på att dokumentären skall bli klar, så har vi wrapped up detta himmelska äventyr. Himmelskt kul, eller hur?





GIC3 Day 2: Shoot me. Shoot me now.

My oh my what a technical day..

My brain is overflowing. My body doesn’t know where to turn anymore. My stomach is in uproar. My arms are bruising. My legs are wobbly. And my knee is swollen.

But worse is that my throat is itchy. It doesn’t hurt – don’t worry, I know better than to work out with a sore throat – but it itches. Like there’s a tiny hand holding a miniature feather tickling me right above my vocal cords and behind my uvula. It’s annoying as fuck, and it’s helling up my mind. No wait, it’s annoying as hell, and it’s fucking up my mind. See, I can’t even get my words straight today.

Luckily for me, today’s teaching in micro groups were to be done in absolut silence. No words, not a peep – and twelve minutes to teach a technique. It was awesome for my throat, and a real nice challenge. I messed mine up a little (headlock from the front, ”guillotine”) in the beginning, but got it right in the end. It might have had something to do with the fact that Jan was throwing pillows at me as I was starting to teach.. Crazy German.

But yeah, I’m scared shitless of getting sick. That, and/or injury, is my biggest fear at this point.

If I would get sick now, even if I rested tomorrow and only did my teaching test on Monday and didn’t participate when the others did their teaching, I still wouldn’t be healthy in time for the grading on Tuesday. This is what’s fucking up my mind. Don’t get sick, don’t get sick, don’t get sick. So there is only one thing to do. Don’t get sick.

Today, apart from the very quiet teaching bit, we’ve worked with knives, sticks and guns. It’s all good fun, but very difficult..! So many things you need to get right.

Tomorrow is the last day of repetitions before the testing starts. Time to hit the hay!


Marton talking about kick defenses against knives.


A close up of Tevini’s butt. Hey, I’m not weird, he posed for it..!


Dima’s legs are cramping up.


Bernis is showing stretching exercises. Markus is sitting still.


Getting attacked by Tevini.


Dima attacking Tevini.


The general feeling in the end of the day.



My right knee (here to the left) has seen better days.


After-dinner-snack. Yup, kebab for dinner, and pizza for dessert. Dima’s idea of fine dining.

Todays word/s: Hustenbonbon (cough drop).

I also got the pleasure of trying to side kick Bernis today. While Dima flies like a frisbee, my kicks barely had an impact on Mr. B. He’s like a Serbian armor tank.

Lessons to be taught by this:
1. Practice stronger kicks.
2. Don’t upset Bernis.


GIC3 Day 1: Groundwork

We survived day 1.


Nah, wait a minute, I made it sound awful straight away. It’s been a great day!

We’ve been fighting a lot (as always) – both slow fighting, two against one, wrestling, standing opponent, two against one with sticks, teams against each other, jumping on one another, stomping and kicking.

It’s been mainly stuff on the ground today, and if I’m not mistaken we still have a few ground techniques left to cover. Let’s just say my back is cramping up. A little bit. And my legs are sore. A little bit. And my abs are worn out. A little bit. And my arms are getting blue and purple again. A little bit.

I just love being back in the Krav bubble!

And it’s been so great to see the gang again – although they didn’t really recognize me with unbruised arms (although we’re getting there). We’re quite a few Krav Maga’igans staying at the same hotel, Ibis budget, here in Krefeld. The hotel reeks of smoke, the toilets stink like we’re at a camping or in a shed in the woods, the elevator is the. slowest. one. ever. And – to Dima’s joy and glee – the doors to the toilet and to the shower have no locks… But hey, it’s cheap!

And the Krav Maga training centre here is really stepping up. The day started off by us getting a free Krefeld ice cream speciality from the owner, Roland, and continued with a buffé of water, soda, pretzels and bars. Way to go Krefeld!

After crawling around on the floor all day, I’m effing tired. Ground fighting really gets the most out of ya. So I’ll just leave it to the pictures now and say night night.


The gang’s back together!


Our home for the next five days.








… which turned into a massage and twist-Dima’s-back-session with the Vietnamese waitress.


Buffé of everything one might need! #melike



We spent a lot of time on the floor today.


”Please, stomp me here” says Jan.


”Okeydokey” I say… or wait, I missed..?


No groin, no Krav Maga.


Ever seen a flying Emma?


There she goes!


Cobi’s jumping on Jan. A completely ordinary day in Krav.


Bernis is just hanging out.


First day. First blood.


Dima is about to get his assed kicked.


And there we go…


… not like we’re surprised or anything.


The Swedes are teaching the Germans how to cross a street when there are no cars coming. #livealittle


Ah! There she is! Hi Emma!


Meat. Meat. And meat.

Todays word/s: Essen (food). Ich bin hungrig (I’m hungry).


TACK för allt!!

Det känns väldigt konstigt att Klassikern är klar.

Tomt men ändå inte.

Det kanske har att göra med att jag har fullt upp med att utbilda mig till instruktör i Krav Maga (ni följer väl den parallella engelskspråkiga bloggen om den resan?), jobba, träna och sjunga!

Men ändå. Jag har inget nytt lopp jag siktar mot. Än.. Jag går inte upp 05.30 på morgonen för att träna. Just nu.. zzz… Jag kladdar inte med valla, pumpar inga däck, luktar inte klor eller sjö, och jag fipplar inte med skavsårsplåster på hela fötterna.

Det är för mig rätt otroligt att jag klarade hela Klassikern.

Jag vet att jag skrattat när folk höjt på ögonbrynen och undrat hur tusan jag ska klara detta, hur jag när de frågat

Hur långt sa du att Vätternrundan var nu igen..?

sagt 30 mil, och ”ja, det är långt” som att det inte rörde mig i ryggen. För vissa andra har jag berättat hur orolig jag varit till och från, och för andra har jag nästan fått garantera att jag kommer överleva överhuvudtaget. Men – om jag ska vara ärlig – så har jag många stunder känt mig lite detached från det hela. Som att det varit overkligt. Som att det inte varit jag som gjort allt detta.

Jag har tänkt att ”det här är något jag bara säger att jag kommer göra, men jag kommer ju egentligen inte att göra det”, SAMTIDIGT som jag tänkt att ”det är klart att jag ska genomföra det här, varför skulle inte det gå?”.

Som sagt – mycket konstig känsla. Vilket gör det ännu mer strange att allt är klart, och jag klarade allting.

MEN – det hade verkligen inte gått utan alla mina fantastiska vänner, sponsorer, tränare och familj!! Utan hjälp hade det varit svårt. Det hade varit ensamt. Det hade varit tufft och kanske rätt trist.

Som jag ser det så har jag – för allt svett jag gett – fått så otroligt mycket tillbaka! Vänner för livet, erfarenheter och minnen, en sjujävla resa, OCH – kanske viktigast av allt – insikten att jag klarar så mycket mer än vad jag tror. Vilken jävla kick!



Enorma tack till alla som gjort denna resa möjlig!

Lena, SATS, Richard vid Vo2Testcenter, Marina vid Karlstads Dietistmottagning, Henrik, Torsby Ski Tunnel, Kalhyttan i Filipstad, Trimtex, Mikael, Karlstad Cykel- och Sportcenter, Haibike, Kim vid Svealandskliniken, 2XU, Sigrid, Stureking, Orvang och Birger + MARKUS Film!

Alla vänner, alla från MOD och alla andra som hört av sig och peppat – tack för ert stöd!

Mamma, pappa, systeryster, familj och släktingar – jag slår vad om att ingen av er trodde mig när jag började prata om Klassikern, men så sakteliga såg ni att jag menade allvar och oroade men omtänksamma miner byttes till uppmuntrande leenden och stärkande ord. ”Tack” känns futtigt.. SupermegayabbadabbadoobaotaTACK för allt!!!

Nu väntar nya utmaningar – häng med!


GIC3 Pre-Germany. Uploading.

Here we go again!

On the plane to Germany for the final part of the general instructor course. In less than a week I’ll either be an instructor or… No wait, there is no ”or”. I’m going in 100 % with my mind set on becoming an instructor and passing the course.

These last weeks between GIC2 and 3 I’ve trained as much as I could, though not nearly as much as I would have wanted. Remember how my shoulders kind of broke a bit right before GIC2? Well, it’s better, but they still ache – especially when I do pushups or other shoulder based activities. So I’ve tried to walk on a thin line here – train a lot, and at the same time rest a lot.

I went to Växjö and Vrigstad the weekend after I got back from Mainz, for a theme day ”Knife and Stick attacks” on Saturday, and on Sunday Fight Academy in Vrigstad with Daniel Gustafsson, Expert 2, held a ”Knife Survival Tactics Seminar”. Needless to say, my arms were a bit sore afterwards. We got to try an electric shock knife. That sure was interesting to say the least.

The weekend after that I went to Oslo for a one day P&G-camp, and trained on G1-techniques for six hours. My group had Natasha Naccarato, Expert 1, as our instructor. My oh my, she’s awesome! There was a lot of G1-material that I hadn’t done before, like sliding kicks, headbutts, releases from wrist grabs while on the ground and some other stuff – sliding kicks being by far the most difficult – so it was real nice to go through all of that.

The following day I met up with Nicklas from my club, KMG Krav Maga Academy Karlstad, to practise some more. The hand defenses against kicks are slowly (slooooooowly…) getting there.

And last week Dima came to town! Yay!

We’ve been training as much as we could during the weekend, and among other things we noticed that my regular back kick is highly effective, as I managed to kick Dima in the groin behind the cup.

He. Went. Down.

Nice to know it works, right?

And last night, after going to Gothenburg for work, I met up with Nima to hang out, which turned into almost four hours of even more training. Sweaty? Me?

Now we’ll see if all the hard work has payed off. Will the techniques abandon me on the day of the grading? Or have I mustered to ”get them into my spine”? Have I spent too much time on training for the grading and not enough time to prepare for the teaching test?

The next couple of days will tell…


Knife survival tactics in Vrigstad.


Jarmo looking good.






Got to catch up with Anna in Oslo!


Ahh, the memories..


”Iron pipes” in the making.



Evening practice – going on the ground.


Weekend practice…


…at SATS Karlstad.


Even the apples are Krav!


Me, Nima and the head.


Nima being very pedagogic.


Nima being playful.





Yes Nima, it bends and kicks. It’s a leg.



Some light reading on the plane.


Or some light sleeping…



Krefeld – here we come!


Krefeld – here we are!

Today’s word/s: Hauptbahnhof (main train station)



GIC2 Day 9: Last day. 154 bruises later.

Yeah. That’s right.

I don’t have four bruises. I don’t have 50 bruises. I don’t even have 100 bruises.

I have 154.

We counted on Sunday night, Dima can vouch for me. There’s one bruise above my right eye (almost faded), one on my lower lip (still swollen, not that visible anymore), 8 bruises on my back, 26 on my right arm, 35 on my left arm (yes, hands are included), 40 on my right leg and 43 bruises on my left leg.

Oh, yeah, I also have a sprained finger, a sore right knee and throbbing shoulders.

And I couldn’t be happier!

Don’t get me wrong – I’m not enjoying the fact that my body looks like it’s been skydiving without a parachute – I’m enjoying what’s behind it. The last nine days have been awesome in so many ways, and Sunday, the final day – was the toughest one. After quickly working through some wrist grabs we did a summary drill of the entire part two, that lasted over three hours.

It was not a test, not a grading, but still it kind of was.

It was built up like a level test, and Dima and I got into our aggressive mode – switching on, switching off – one second kicking and punching each other in vulnerable areas, and the next quickly checking that the other was okey, before continuing. It was a great way to see where we were at, not just for Jan to get an evaluation of us all, but for ourselves to realize what we need to work on.

When you’re training at your club, or training by your own or with a partner, you normally work through a family of techniques or something specific that you want to train on – meaning you always check with your partner, your instructor, the DVD’s or maxkravmaga that you’re doing the right thing. This way, a small surprise grading of sorts, you can’t double check anything. You either know it or you don’t.

And by realizing that you don’t know something, it kinda makes you want to go home and train that much harder, ’cause it’s not a nice feeling standing there and literally hear how empty your brain is, when it comes to certain techniques.

”What the fuck am I supposed to do? What are the different ways to defend against side kicks..? Moving out of the way? Yeah, well obviously that’s a good thing, but I can’t back away the whole time… Man oh man… This. Is. Awkward.”

So yeah, hand defenses against side kicks will be something that I’ll master in GIC3. I swear!

After a little over three sweaty hours, we got some personal feedback from Jan (brilliant, brilliant, instructor!!), we hugged everyone good bye (it’ll be great seeing y’all again in November guys!) and headed home. One last night at the hotel, and finally we made it down to the pool!

Here’s one thing I know better than Dima. Swimming.

Gosh, 10 metres and he was huffing and puffing. I tried to teach him some stuff I was taught before swimming The Vansbro Swim (3 km open water last July), but it turns out while he’s frickin’ awesome on land, he can’t for his life use both his legs and arms in the water…

Don’t worry – he didn’t drown. He’s up and running and will be just as eager as I am to go back to Germany in a few weeks and complete the GIC. Part 3 starts November 20th. The final part. But – if I pass – it’s only the beginning…!


Marton going through wrist grabs.


Benny – the German with the best laugh ever!


Nico, me and Matthias – on Matthias birthday – congrats man!



Bernis and I are celebrating part two!


My knee, however, is not in a celebrating mood.


Dima just discovered the size difference of our feet. Don’t really sure if he’s trying to tell me something…?


Jan, Bernis, Markus and Marton – say burpee!


Germans are weird. How on earth are we supposed to get to the pool if we can’t open the door?!


We opened the door…



Dima’s practicing his breast strokes.



No, I didn’t drown, I’m trying to teach Dima how to simply trust your body and float. It’s really not that hard. You just play dead.


Going to the airport at 4 am in the morning. Did I mention that I’m NOT a morning person?


Dima having fun with sleeping Emma on the plane. Wait, that did not come out right.. Ehm, and neither did that.




Well, hello Sweden!


This tiny little bugger is the reason for my many bruises. It’s a blood thinner I have to take for preventional purposes, since I have a new heart and all that jazz.


HOME! MY bed! MY pillow! MY bed cover!


The gang!
Picture from Krav Maga Global Germany’s FB-page


The weird gang!
Picture from Krav Maga Global Germany’s FB-page

Today’s word/s: Ich bin müde (I’m tired) & Sie sehen im November (See you in November)!!


GIC2 Day 8: Potpurri and a Christmas cone

Day number eight. The body’s beginning to feel it.

I’m a bit stiff and not very alert. Almost feel asleep several times today (don’t tell Jan).

We did a mix of a lot of stuff – punches, inside defenses, sliding defenses, stick attacks, shirt grabs and more gun and knife attacks. A real potpurri of techniques. It was fun and quick. And Jan and Marton noticed (as I was already aware of) that my wrists are not made for punching.

At least not punching correctly.

If I’m going to strike with the first two knuckles (the correct way), then my wrist will be crooked. And that’s not good. There’s supposed to be a straight line from the knuckles that you hit with, through the wrist and the forearm – aligning the two bones in the forearm so that they are ”behind” the strike, so to say. For me, it’s just not possible. I’m not aligned. I’m twisted.

Well, haha, yeah, we knew that already. Shut up Dima.

It’s a structural difference in the hands, wrists, bones, whatnot, between men and women. So I can’t do much about my twistedness. Other than work on getting more powerful wrists that will not break if I hit crookedly, or I’ll simply strike with open palm.

After the training we went to the supermarket, and for some reason (he’s Asian, so who knows what the guy’s thinking), Dima bought a Christmas cone for almost 2 euros. We found it among the fruit and he claimed we could eat it, but so far it’s just been sitting on his nightstand. Together with Stuart the Minion.


Hitting with the first two knuckles. Really twisted wrist.


Straight wrist. Hitting with the fingers. NOT recommended – at all.




Marton Pinter from Hungary is assisting instructor, here going through shirt grabs.


Who the F took this picture..?


Bernis is sticking his thumb under my scapula. No, it’s nothing dirty.


Jan being fast as lightning.


Relaxing at home – refilling the salt depots with chips..


They’ve got an advents calendar (whatever it’s called in English) with 650 grammes of chocolate! Wowawewa!


Dima finding a cone..


Thinking about getting wasted tonight. Or maybe not.


Shopping in Germany. Want any cigarettes?


Our dinner makes me feel like I’m back in France again – brie and saucisson! 


A cone! A cone? A cone..

Todays word/s: leicht scharfe (a little strong – in reference to food)


GIC2 Day 6 & 7: Knives and guns and sticks and burgers

Schön Emma!

It’s now a running joke amongst the group, and it might sound weird to the outsider. Basically it means ”Nice Emma”, or ”good”. But… There’s always a but.. I happened to mention that it reminded me of German porn.


Where the guys go ”Aaah, schön, schön” etc, etc. You get the picture.

Apparently I must have been mistaken (or there was some very weird stuff I happened to watch), ’cause the gang told me no, no, they don’t say ”schön” in those movies. But now everyone thinks it’s very funny to say ”Schön” all the time.

So the last two days there’s been a lot of schön going on. Other than that we’ve worked on defense against gun threats/attacks, stick attacks, knife threats/attacks and more. I must say, it’s real fun being here with this crew – ’cause we’re getting a lot (A LOT) of new ideas. Everything from warm ups and stretching, to games, to summerizing drills, to ways of teaching the techniques. We learn by teaching, and learn from each other.

Steal with pride is a very good expression, and yo guys in Karlstad – I’ve got some real nice treats to try when I get back! (oops, I almost wrote ”threats”, well, I guess that works just the same)

Some of the techniques are still pretty new for me. Not brand new, it’s just that I haven’t trained on them for that long, so they’re not ”in my spine yet” as we would say in Sweden. Sometimes I get frustrated. Especially since I’m training with the most ”fluent”, efficient, and fast-as-a-weasel guy that was ever made in China (no, sorry, Uzbekistan). Yeah Dima, that’s you – you’re fucking brilliant in case I don’t say it that often. Most of the time I just hit you on the head.

But – there’s a but here too – some of the techniques are starting to make their way into my body, making me a bit faster in decision making and acting/reacting. It’s a helluva feeling – and I like it! Schön Emma!

Last night all of us went out, to a diner with bio-burgers. Ergo, environmentally friendly meat. It was not only environmentally good, it was also good. Period.

I’m realizing that I really have to change my dietary habits when I get back to Sweden. Burgers, fries, pizza, kebab, take outs, chips and chocolates is slowly turning me into a pimple covered bag of dough. With loads of bruises, but that’s not from the food.

My grandmother is already horrified by the fact that I train Krav. I really hope no one shows her any pictures from here. I’m sure as hell not going to go see her for a week or two. Or three..

Thursday in pics


We’ve turned from football in the mornings to something between volleyball and handball – trying to keep the ball in the air as long as we can. This morning they got to 129 – and, enter Emma..



Dima’s getting a bit of a helping hand with his high side kicks.


Nico and Iris!


Dima and Bernis!


Emma and Markus!


Another fun way of doing pushups.




Guns, guns, guns!



Are you in the mood for a really horny guy? (rough translation)







Markus telling a real funny fork story. Yep, they’ve got fork stories in Germany.

Friday in pics:


I’m not a morning person. Dima’s definitely NOT a morning person.





Today’s lunch – döner kebab.




The school where we’re residing.





Mainz on a beautiful autumn evening.



Didn’t know what looked best – with or without flash.


It’s pretty awful anyway…


Unt the legs..




Peace out suckers!


Thursday’s word/s: Normal weiter laufen (run normally)

Todays word/s: es muss nicht schnell gehen (it doesn’t have to go fast) (note: not in correlation with Thurday’s words)


GIC2 Day 5: Überraschtung!

Okey, day five is in the books – and this will go to history as The Day of The Many Punches.

Somewhere in the beginning of the day, I attacked Matthias with a knife – you know, as you normally do a Wednesday morning – and let’s just say his defense really worked, and now my lip is one bump and bruise richer. Yesterday he kneed me you-know-where real good too, so he was feeling a little bit ashamed. I was thinking ”Finally! They’re learning that I’m not made of glass!”

Later on I don’t really know what happened, but I managed to punch Dima in the face not once, not twice, and not three times – but every effing time I did a counter..! He commented that my lip would look very nice together with a black eye, and as we switched he asked:

Where do you want it? Left or right?

I better get my limbs in control…

I also held my first lecture today – on inside forearm defense against low punches. It was fun stepping up and taking on the role of the instructor. It’s a really nice and easygoing gang, and I mean, you can’t hold the fact that they’re German over their heads too long. They were born this way.

The afternoon was mostly spent on working with knifes, as a continuation of the session in the morning. The evening has been spent planning tomorrows warm up – and eating kinder eggs, that apparently are super dangerous in Germany, since they need the word ”Überraschtung” written on them. Aschtung = Danger. Überraschtung = Über danger, right?


Planning my lesson.





Tevini doing his judgement thing while I’m doing my lesson thing.


Here’s a summary drill for Matthias lesson – working on headlocks from the side.






Markus don’t want to try and headlock me…


He’ll just end up on the floor.


Going on with knife attacks and threats.





Don’t you just love the flag on Jan’s t-shirt?



Dima’s goofing around again. I’m thankful he didn’t take a picture down his pants..


Uhm. Okey. Crazy russian.


Two Swedes and a Swedish shirt in the middle!


Looking good, jawohl!


Our home, in case someone’s wondering.


Dima’s weird. He eats lard.


On second thought, maybe überraschtung means ”surprise”..


I was promised a minion. I got a fucking.. I don’t even know what it is..


Dima got a minion. Of course. His new buddy Stuart.


I think you might need a sturdier groin protection than that, but sure, you take your chances – I’ll take mine..!


Dima doesn’t think we do enough primal moves during the days, he needs to crawl on the hotel floor at night too.

Today’s word/s: andere Richtung (other direction)